Our SABS People: Marian Dascalu, Project Manager

Published August 26, 2024

How did your journey at SABS start?

I joined SABS in 2017 as a test automation engineer. At the time, I had the opportunity to start an automation project framework from scratch on a new web application.
Having background on working with Agile methodologies, I quickly became the Scrum Master for my team. That is how I addressed one of my career path goals, along the PSM I Certification.

A couple of years later, the role of a DevOps engineer became available inside the team. A position I was already covering as part of my day-to-day tasks, while supervised by the Technical Lead. Therefore, together with my new goal of learning more about Azure Cloud platform, I succeeded in adding the Azure Fundamentals certification skills to my daily tasks.

Next, as the company continued to grow, I successfully applied to the role of Project Manager which became available inside my team. Together with the assistance of the top management and my developed leading skills, I enlarged my software industry vision towards new personal development horizons.

What were some major challenges that you successfully overcome?

Main challenge was the need to document internal workflows from scratch. Estimation, development, testing, delivery, maintenance, internal communication and external communication, with the clients. This helped the company apply to various software tenderers.

Why do you like working at SABS?

First of all, I feel that my advice is listened to. It is important to feel that you belong to a place where you can contribute to the company’s goals. Secondly, as the internal development of the staff is encouraged, the progress of my career has been supported, both financially and logistically.

SABS’ office environment is a relaxed and fun one; my colleagues are always nice and helpful. Being part of a young, united and smart team, it gives me the chance to feel at home. Interacting well throughout the departments have been contributing to the things that keep me going for years, and hopefully years to come.

Last but not least, there are outdoor activities and several office celebrations which are involving food and sweets.

What advice would you give to new joiners?

Depending on the career level, there would be various pieces of advice that I could give. The best general advice is to show seriousness in carrying out tasks, in delivering quality, and the benefits will not be long in coming.


This article is part of a series of bite-sized interviews. Check out the other articles on SABS Blog: Vladut Diaconu, Simona Manghiuc, Renato Ciocodei, Diana Amitroaei.